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Hospital acquired pressure injuries continue to challenge our healthcare systems.  Since CMS removed additional reimbursement for conditions not present on admission, facilities have dep...
Abstract Body: Introduction: The availability of advanced tissue regeneration products in the field of wound care has enabled the implementation of more aggressive wound treatment strateg...
Abstract Body: Introduction: Complex open infected wounds of varying etiology are benefiting from negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) with instillation and dwell time (NPWTi-d†) using ...
Abstract Body: In cases where full closure is not achieved after open abdominal surgery, patients are left with open cutaneous wounds with knotted, heavy sutures at the wound base, provid...
Abstract Body: Wounds near fistulas and ostomies are typically not good candidates for skin grafting due to the risk of effluent contamination; however, not grafting these wounds can dela...
Background: Adoption of telehealth in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has predicted virtual healthcare services to reach 1 billion by the end of 2020.1 As Medicare relaxed regulations, ...
Abstract Body: Nonadherence to negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) may preempt its effectiveness. Integrating remote therapy monitoring (RTM*) with NPWT† (NPWTRTM) has been reported to...
Background: Approximately 75-85% of enteric fistulas occur as complications following abdominal surgery (deVries, F. E. E., Atema, J. J. , van Ruler, O., Vaizey, C. J., Serlie, M. J., Boe...
Abstract Body: Background: In a busy suburban wound care center, we often see patients with multiple comorbidities presenting with chronic ulcerations. These patients are at high risk for...