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Windy Cole, DPM, CWSP

Assessing DFU Perfusion: Comparing the Tried & True to the Novel & New
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Windy Cole, DPM, CWSP
Stacey Coe, BA, CCRP
Is near-infrared spectroscopy a promising noninvastive vascular study to measure tissue perfusion in diabetic foot ulcers? Presenting a case study, these authors assess how an innovative device can provide clinicians a better picture of the...
Is near-infrared spectroscopy a promising noninvastive vascular study to measure tissue perfusion in diabetic foot ulcers? Presenting a case study, these authors assess how an innovative device can provide clinicians a better picture of the...
Is near-infrared spectroscopy a...
Today's Wound Clinic
Can a Hypothermically Stored Amnion Graft Change DFU Outcomes in an Evolving Patient Demographic?
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Windy Cole, DPM, CWSP
Stacey Coe, BA, CCRP
With the increasing prevalence of diabetes, it is crucial to develop new avenues to treat diabetic foot ulcers. These authors take a look at the research on a novel hypothermically stored amniotic membrane and its potential to close wounds...
With the increasing prevalence of diabetes, it is crucial to develop new avenues to treat diabetic foot ulcers. These authors take a look at the research on a novel hypothermically stored amniotic membrane and its potential to close wounds...
With the increasing prevalence...
Today's Wound Clinic
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Windy Cole, DPM, CWSP
Stacey Coe, BA, CCRP
Effective offloading of lower extremity ulcers can mitigate one of the direst consequences of diabetes. These authors take a look at the future of offloading using an innovative device. 
Effective offloading of lower extremity ulcers can mitigate one of the direst consequences of diabetes. These authors take a look at the future of offloading using an innovative device. 
Effective offloading of lower...
Today's Wound Clinic
Chronic Wounds
Windy Cole, DPM, CWSP
Stacey Coe, BA, CCRP
Non-invasive pulsed acoustic cellular expression (PACE) can improve microcirculation and oxygenated hemoglobin, which can help regenerate tissue and heal chronic wounds. These authors provide a guide to PACE technology using a case study.
Non-invasive pulsed acoustic cellular expression (PACE) can improve microcirculation and oxygenated hemoglobin, which can help regenerate tissue and heal chronic wounds. These authors provide a guide to PACE technology using a case study.
Non-invasive pulsed acoustic...
Today's Wound Clinic
Fluorescence Imaging
Windy Cole, DPM, CWSP
Stacey Coe, BA, CCRP
Acute wounds heal by progressing through a complex, but orderly, series of physiologic and molecular processes. In contrast, chronic wounds, those that fail to heal within 30 days, are characterized as having stalled in this healing...
Acute wounds heal by progressing through a complex, but orderly, series of physiologic and molecular processes. In contrast, chronic wounds, those that fail to heal within 30 days, are characterized as having stalled in this healing...
Acute wounds heal by progressing...
Today's Wound Clinic