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Brief Communication

Nicola Corcione, MD1;  Alberto Morello, MD1;  Paolo Ferraro, MD2;  Michele Cimmino, MD2;  Michele Albanese, MD2;  Arturo Ausiello, MD3;  Martino Pepe, MD4;  Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai, MD, MStat5,6 ;  Arturo Giordano, MD, PhD1

Nicola Corcione, MD1;  Alberto Morell...
We hereby present our preliminary experience with FlexNav in a consecutive series of 18 patients undergoing TAVI with Portico valve in early 2020 (3 with axillary access).
We hereby present our preliminary experience with FlexNav in a consecutive series of 18 patients undergoing TAVI with Portico valve in early 2020 (3 with axillary access).
We hereby present our...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
The Novel FlexNav Delivery System for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation With the Portico Device: A Case Series

Nicola Corcione, MD1;  Alberto Morello, MD1;  Paolo Ferraro, MD2;  Michele Cimmino, MD2;  Michele Albanese, MD2;  Arturo Ausiello, MD3;  Martino Pepe, MD4;  Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai, MD, MStat5,6;  Arturo Giordano, MD, PhD1

Nicola Corcione, MD1;  Alberto Morell...
We hereby present our preliminary experience with FlexNav in a consecutive series of 18 patients undergoing TAVI with Portico valve in early 2020 (3 with axillary access).
We hereby present our preliminary experience with FlexNav in a consecutive series of 18 patients undergoing TAVI with Portico valve in early 2020 (3 with axillary access).
We hereby present our...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology