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Evaluation of a Real-World In-Hospital Antiplatelet-Switching Strategy Following Coronary Interventions: The SWITCH Study

Antoine E. Soueid, MD, PharmD, JD1;  Ibrahim Kassas, MD2;  Jeffrey Rade, MD1; Nikolaos Kakouros, MBBS, MD(Res), PhD1

Antoine E. Soueid, MD, PharmD, JD1;  ...
Newer antiplatelet therapy agents are reliable and have a fast onset of action, but have significantly higher cost, leading to compliance concerns. We adopted and evaluated an acute agent-switching strategy, using prasugrel or ticagrelor for...
Newer antiplatelet therapy agents are reliable and have a fast onset of action, but have significantly higher cost, leading to compliance concerns. We adopted and evaluated an acute agent-switching strategy, using prasugrel or ticagrelor for...
Newer antiplatelet therapy...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology