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Abstract Body: Purpose/Problem: Chronic infection of wounds are commonplace1,2, accounting for significant economic and quality of life burdens for patients1,3. High levels of bacteria, m...
Clinical Research Poster
Introduction: Optimal wound bed preparation consists of regular debridement to remove devitalized tissues, reduce bacterial load, and establish an environment that can promote healing. A novel point-of-care fluorescence imaging system...
Introduction: Optimal wound bed preparation consists of regular debridement to remove devitalized tissues, reduce bacterial load, and establish an environment that can promote healing. A novel point-of-care fluorescence imaging system...
Introduction: Optimal wound bed...
Case Series
Dimitrios Lintzeris
Karen Vernon
Heather Percise
Andy Strickland
Kari Yarrow
Amber White
Mary Gurganus
Susan Sherrod
Kathleen Vergin
Laura Johnson
In order to control biofilm formation, sequester proteolytic enzymes, and provide a biocompatible scaffold to support healing, the investigators utilize a purified collagen matrix containing polyhexamethylene biguanide (PCMP) in a case series...
In order to control biofilm formation, sequester proteolytic enzymes, and provide a biocompatible scaffold to support healing, the investigators utilize a purified collagen matrix containing polyhexamethylene biguanide (PCMP) in a case series...
In order to control biofilm...