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Abstract Body: Background:  As wound care moves toward more comprehensive patient-centered care management, frequent consultation with multiple specialists is necessary. For patients, thi...
Education provided to patients and their family on how to care for the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube is limited and varies widely. This results in PEG-site and tube compl...
Surgical reconstruction of chronic wounds using soft tissue flaps is a routine approach to achieve closure. Due to the poor tissue quality,  longstanding inflammation, bioburden and impai...
Background: Approximately 75-85% of enteric fistulas occur as complications following abdominal surgery (deVries, F. E. E., Atema, J. J. , van Ruler, O., Vaizey, C. J., Serlie, M. J., Boe...
Biofilm and the bacterial burden have been recognized as impediments to wound progression. The use of negative pressure wound therapy with instillation and dwell time (NPWTi-d) has gained...
Abstract Body: Introduction: In 2014, (CMS) implemented the ‘Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation’ (IMPACT) Act mandating SNFs providing Medicare Part A care to report qualit...