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Cutaneous Aspergillus fumigatus Infection in a Newborn
Interesting Cases

Cara M. Barber, BS,a Matthew P. Fahrenkopf, MD,a,b Megan L. Dietze-Fiedler, MD,a,b Jenny L. Nguyen, MD,a,b and John A. Girotto, MDa,b,c

Cara M. Barber, BS,a Matthew P. Fahre...
A preterm infant was born at 23 weeks 2 days, via emergency cesarean section, secondary to maternal hemorrhage and suspected placental abruption, developed a spontaneous cutaneous eschar on the right flank.
A preterm infant was born at 23 weeks 2 days, via emergency cesarean section, secondary to maternal hemorrhage and suspected placental abruption, developed a spontaneous cutaneous eschar on the right flank.
A preterm infant was born at 23...