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train-of-four peripheralnerve stimulation

Case Report
Nicole K. Le, BS,a,b Daniel Liauw, BS,b,c Sabrina Z. Siddiqui, BGS,b,d and Kevin M. Donohue, DOe
Nicole K. Le, BS,a,b Daniel Liauw, BS...
CASE REPORT Assessment of Neuromuscular Function in Patients With Prior Cosmetic Procedures: A Case Report Nicole K. Le, BS,a,b Daniel Liauw, BS,b,c Sabrina Z. Siddiqui, BGS,b,d and Kevin M. Donohue, DOe aDepartment of...
CASE REPORT Assessment of Neuromuscular Function in Patients With Prior Cosmetic Procedures: A Case Report Nicole K. Le, BS,a,b Daniel Liauw, BS,b,c Sabrina Z. Siddiqui, BGS,b,d and Kevin M. Donohue, DOe aDepartment of...