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plastic surgery residency

Original Research

David Benaroch, BS1; Olachi O Oleru, MD2; Hannah Dietz2; Abena Gyasi, BA2; Nargiz Seyidova, MD, MHQS2; Alice S Yao, MD2

David Benaroch, BS1; Olachi O Oleru, ...
This study aims to better understand the online information that residency programs are making available to prospective applicants, characterize the racial diversity of programs, and investigate the effect of program leadership on racial...
This study aims to better understand the online information that residency programs are making available to prospective applicants, characterize the racial diversity of programs, and investigate the effect of program leadership on racial...
This study aims to better...
Original Research

Shawhin Rostam Kadivar Shahriari, MD; Cees Whisonant, MD; Amanda Ederle, MD; Gregory Borah, MD

Shawhin Rostam Kadivar Shahriari, MD;...
Previous research has shown that exposure to specialty programs in medical school portends enhanced success in residency matches. This study focuses on medical students who come from schools without plastic surgery residencies—orphans—and the...
Previous research has shown that exposure to specialty programs in medical school portends enhanced success in residency matches. This study focuses on medical students who come from schools without plastic surgery residencies—orphans—and the...
Previous research has shown that...
International Medical Graduates in the US Plastic Surgery Residency: Characteristics of Successful Applicants
Original Research

George Kokosis, MD,a Angelo A. Leto Barone, MD,a Michael J. Grzelak, BS,a Sara Alfadil, MD,a Edward H. Davidson, MBChB,b Scott Lifchez, MD,a and Amir H. Dorafshar, MBChBa

George Kokosis, MD,a Angelo A. Leto B...
The main goal of this study was to elucidate the profiles of international medical graduates who have successfully matched into US plastic surgery programs.
The main goal of this study was to elucidate the profiles of international medical graduates who have successfully matched into US plastic surgery programs.
The main goal of this study was...