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autograft failure

Original Research
Michael A. Lavor, MD,a,b Georgina M. Michael, MSN, FNP-BC,c Yeabsera G. Tamire, BS,c and Nicole D. Dorofee, BSd
Michael A. Lavor, MD,a,b Georgina M. ...
Meshed Split-Thickness Autograft With a Viable Cryopreserved Placental Membrane Overlay for Lower-Extremity Recipient Sites With Increased Risk of Graft Failure Michael A. Lavor, MD,a,b Georgina M. Michael, MSN, FNP-BC,c Yeabsera...
Meshed Split-Thickness Autograft With a Viable Cryopreserved Placental Membrane Overlay for Lower-Extremity Recipient Sites With Increased Risk of Graft Failure Michael A. Lavor, MD,a,b Georgina M. Michael, MSN, FNP-BC,c Yeabsera...
Meshed Split-Thickness...