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cube flap

Nipple-Areolar Complex Reconstruction: A Review of the Literature and Introduction of the Rectangle-to-Cube Nipple Flap
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Joshua T. Henderson, BA, Thomas J. Lee, MD, Andrew M. Swiergosz, BS, Andrea R. Hiller, BS, Joshua Choo, MD, and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MD, FACS
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCJo...
Nipple-Areolar Complex Reconstruction: A Review of the Literature and Introduction of the Rectangle-to-Cube Nipple Flap Joshua T. Henderson, BA,a Thomas J. Lee, MD,b Andrew M. Swiergosz, BS,a Andrea R. Hiller, BS,a Joshua Choo,...
Nipple-Areolar Complex Reconstruction: A Review of the Literature and Introduction of the Rectangle-to-Cube Nipple Flap Joshua T. Henderson, BA,a Thomas J. Lee, MD,b Andrew M. Swiergosz, BS,a Andrea R. Hiller, BS,a Joshua Choo,...
Nipple-Areolar Complex...