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SIO Corner

Andrew R. Kolarich, MD1;  Ved Tanavde, BS2;  Alex Solomon, MD3;  Matthew Weiss, MD1;  Benjamin Philosophe, MD, PhD1;  Christos S. Georgiades, MD, PhD3;  Kelvin Hong, MD3

Andrew R. Kolarich, MD1;  Ved Tanavde...
This database analysis investigates whether PVE, with or without LRT, increases post-hepatectomy complications.
This database analysis investigates whether PVE, with or without LRT, increases post-hepatectomy complications.
This database analysis...
IO Learning
Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Daniel P. Donato, MD, Alvin C. Kwok, MD MPH, Michael O. Bishop, BA, Angela P. Presson, PhD, and Jayant P. Agarwal, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCDa...
Unplanned Readmission in Outpatient Hand Surgery: An Analysis of 23,613 Patients in the NSQIP Data Set Daniel P. Donato, MD,a Alvin C. Kwok, MD MPH,a Michael O. Bishop, BA,b Angela P. Presson, PhD,b and Jayant P. Agarwal,...
Unplanned Readmission in Outpatient Hand Surgery: An Analysis of 23,613 Patients in the NSQIP Data Set Daniel P. Donato, MD,a Alvin C. Kwok, MD MPH,a Michael O. Bishop, BA,b Angela P. Presson, PhD,b and Jayant P. Agarwal,...
Unplanned Readmission in...