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Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Lauren B. Nosanov, MD, Daniel Y. Jo, BS, Pranay R. Randad, BS, Lauren T. Moffatt, PhD, Bonnie C. Carney, BS, Rachel T. Ortiz, MS, and Jeffrey W. Shupp, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCLa...
Effectiveness of a Glycylcycline Antibiotic for Reducing the Pathogenicity of Superantigen-Producing Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Burn Wounds Lauren B. Nosanov, MD,a,b Daniel Y. Jo, BS,b Pranay R. Randad, BS,b...
Effectiveness of a Glycylcycline Antibiotic for Reducing the Pathogenicity of Superantigen-Producing Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Burn Wounds Lauren B. Nosanov, MD,a,b Daniel Y. Jo, BS,b Pranay R. Randad, BS,b...
Effectiveness of a...