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A Psychosocial Analysis of the Effect of Body-Contouring Surgery on Patients After Weight Loss
Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Khalid J. Alzahrani, MBBS, Abdullah E. Kattan, MBBS, Loui A. Ezzat, MBBS, Saud A. Alsaleh, MBBS, Khalid A. Murad, MBBS, and Bader A. Alghamdi, MBBS
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCKh...
A Psychosocial Analysis of the Effect of Body-Contouring Surgery on Patients After Weight Loss Khalid J. Alzahrani, MBBS, Abdullah E. Kattan, MBBS, Loui A. Ezzat, MBBS, Saud A. Alsaleh, MBBS, Khalid A. Murad, MBBS, and Bader A....
A Psychosocial Analysis of the Effect of Body-Contouring Surgery on Patients After Weight Loss Khalid J. Alzahrani, MBBS, Abdullah E. Kattan, MBBS, Loui A. Ezzat, MBBS, Saud A. Alsaleh, MBBS, Khalid A. Murad, MBBS, and Bader A....
A Psychosocial Analysis of...