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orbital venous malformation

An Interesting Case of a Retrobulbar Cavernous Hemangioma
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Matthew A. Applebaum, MS, MBA, Timothy E. Lee, MS, Connor Barnes, MD, Joshua B. Elston, MD, and David J. Smith, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCMa...
An Interesting Case of a Retrobulbar Cavernous Hemangioma Matthew A. Applebaum, MS, MBA,a Timothy E. Lee, MS,a Connor Barnes, MD,b Joshua B. Elston, MD,b and David J. Smith, MDb aUniversity of South Florida Morsani College of...
An Interesting Case of a Retrobulbar Cavernous Hemangioma Matthew A. Applebaum, MS, MBA,a Timothy E. Lee, MS,a Connor Barnes, MD,b Joshua B. Elston, MD,b and David J. Smith, MDb aUniversity of South Florida Morsani College of...
An Interesting Case of a...
Case Report
Percutaneous sclerotherapy is a useful technique in treating venous malformations of the orbit. Rapid reversible orbital swelling and increase in intraorbital pressure following sclerotherapy may result in permanent optic nerve damage.
Percutaneous sclerotherapy is a useful technique in treating venous malformations of the orbit. Rapid reversible orbital swelling and increase in intraorbital pressure following sclerotherapy may result in permanent optic nerve damage.
Percutaneous sclerotherapy is a...
Vascular Disease Management