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Revision of a Hypertrophic Tracheostomy Scar
Revision of a Hypertrophic Tracheostomy Scar Nikki Castel, MD, Laurel Karian, MD, and Ramazi Datiashvili, MD Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Rutgers/New Jersey Medical School, Newark Correspondence:...
Revision of a Hypertrophic Tracheostomy Scar Nikki Castel, MD, Laurel Karian, MD, and Ramazi Datiashvili, MD Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Rutgers/New Jersey Medical School, Newark Correspondence:...
Revision of a Hypertrophic...
Management of Severe Burn Microstomia
Management of Severe Burn Microstomia Megan Zak, BSa, Olivia Means, BSa, Benton Cason, MD,a and Ron Brooks, MDb aUniversity of South Alabama College of Medicine, Mobile; and bDepartment of Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive...
Management of Severe Burn Microstomia Megan Zak, BSa, Olivia Means, BSa, Benton Cason, MD,a and Ron Brooks, MDb aUniversity of South Alabama College of Medicine, Mobile; and bDepartment of Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive...
Management of Severe Burn...