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hand embryology

Supernumerary Digits of the Hand
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Daniel Delgadillo III, BS, Nicholas S. Adams, MD, and John A. Girotto, MD, MMA, FACS, FAAP
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCDa...
Supernumerary Digits of the Hand Daniel Delgadillo III, BS,a Nicholas S. Adams, MD,a,b and John A. Girotto, MD, MMA, FACS, FAAPa,b,c aMichigan State University College of Human Medicine, Grand Rapids, Mich; bPlastic and...
Supernumerary Digits of the Hand Daniel Delgadillo III, BS,a Nicholas S. Adams, MD,a,b and John A. Girotto, MD, MMA, FACS, FAAPa,b,c aMichigan State University College of Human Medicine, Grand Rapids, Mich; bPlastic and...
Supernumerary Digits of...