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burn injury reconstruction

CASE REPORT Forty-Year Follow-up of Full-Thickness Skin Graft After Thermal Burn Injury to the Volar Hand
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Dexter Weeks, BS, Morton L. Kasdan, MD, and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCDe...
CASE REPORT Forty-Year Follow-up of Full-Thickness Skin Graft After Thermal Burn Injury to the Volar Hand Dexter Weeks, BS,a Morton L. Kasdan, MD,b and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MDc aUniversity of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville,...
CASE REPORT Forty-Year Follow-up of Full-Thickness Skin Graft After Thermal Burn Injury to the Volar Hand Dexter Weeks, BS,a Morton L. Kasdan, MD,b and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MDc aUniversity of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville,...
CASE REPORT Forty-Year...