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Case Report
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Naoki Morimoto, MD, Natsuko Kakudo, MD, Tsunekata Ogura, MD, Tomoya Hara, DDS, Makoto Matsui, PhD, Masaya Yamamoto, PhD, Yasuhiko Tabata, PhD, DMedSci, DPharm, and Kenji Kusumoto, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCNa...
CASE REPORT Easy-to-Use Preservation and Application of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Combination Wound Therapy With a Gelatin Sheet and Freeze-Dried Platelet-Rich Plasma: A Case Report Naoki Morimoto, MD,a Natsuko Kakudo, MD,a Tsunekata...
CASE REPORT Easy-to-Use Preservation and Application of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Combination Wound Therapy With a Gelatin Sheet and Freeze-Dried Platelet-Rich Plasma: A Case Report Naoki Morimoto, MD,a Natsuko Kakudo, MD,a Tsunekata...
CASE REPORT Easy-to-Use...