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Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Michael Zenn, MD, Mark Venturi, MD, Troy Pittman, MD, Scott Spear, MD, Geoffrey Gurtner, MD, Geoffrey Robb, MD, Alex Mesbahi, MD, and Joseph Dayan, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCMi...
Optimizing Outcomes of Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction With Acellular Dermal Matrix: A Review of Recent Clinical Data Michael Zenn, MD,a Mark Venturi, MD,b Troy Pittman, MD,c Scott Spear, MD,d Geoffrey Gurtner, MD,e Geoffrey...
Optimizing Outcomes of Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction With Acellular Dermal Matrix: A Review of Recent Clinical Data Michael Zenn, MD,a Mark Venturi, MD,b Troy Pittman, MD,c Scott Spear, MD,d Geoffrey Gurtner, MD,e Geoffrey...
Optimizing Outcomes of...
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Michael R. Zenn, MD, MBA, and C. Andrew Salzberg, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCMi...
A Direct Comparison of Alloderm-Ready to Use (RTU) and DermACELL in Immediate Breast Implant Reconstruction Michael R. Zenn, MD, MBA,a and C. Andrew Salzberg, MDb aDuke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; and bIcahn School...
A Direct Comparison of Alloderm-Ready to Use (RTU) and DermACELL in Immediate Breast Implant Reconstruction Michael R. Zenn, MD, MBA,a and C. Andrew Salzberg, MDb aDuke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; and bIcahn School...
A Direct Comparison of...