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Key words: amnion/chorion

Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Edward P. Miranda, MD and Alex Friedman, MS
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCEd...
Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Grafts May Accelerate the Healing of Ulcers on Free Flaps in Patients With Venous Insufficiency and/or Lymphedema Edward P. Miranda, MD,a,b and Alex Friedman, MSa aCenter for Complex Reconstruction, San...
Dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Grafts May Accelerate the Healing of Ulcers on Free Flaps in Patients With Venous Insufficiency and/or Lymphedema Edward P. Miranda, MD,a,b and Alex Friedman, MSa aCenter for Complex Reconstruction, San...
Dehydrated Human...