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Tessier's classification

Tessier 1-13 Atypical Craniofacial Cleft
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Francesco Gargano, MD, PhD, Karen Szymanski, DO, Mitchell Bosman, MS III, and Silvio Podda, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCFr...
Tessier 1-13 Atypical Craniofacial Cleft Francesco Gargano, MD, PhD,a Karen Szymanski, DO,a Mitchell Bosman, MS III,b and Silvio Podda, MDa aDivision of Plastic Surgery, St. Joseph's Medical Center, Paterson, NJ; and bNew York...
Tessier 1-13 Atypical Craniofacial Cleft Francesco Gargano, MD, PhD,a Karen Szymanski, DO,a Mitchell Bosman, MS III,b and Silvio Podda, MDa aDivision of Plastic Surgery, St. Joseph's Medical Center, Paterson, NJ; and bNew York...
Tessier 1-13 Atypical...