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Original Research

Khedija Soumer, MD; Nadia Azabou, MD; Chaker Jaber, MD; Houcine Horchani, MD; Mouna Bousnina, MD; Amine Jemel, PhD

Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Abderrahman Mami Pneumology and Phtisiology Hospital, Ariana, Tunisia

Khedija Soumer, MD; Nadia Azabou, MD;...
Although the link between COVID-19 and ALI has been established, the particularities of the patients remain poorly described and their management not codified because of its emergent character.
Although the link between COVID-19 and ALI has been established, the particularities of the patients remain poorly described and their management not codified because of its emergent character.
Although the link between...
Vascular Disease Management
Risk of Thromboembolism Following Body-Contouring Surgery After Massive Weight Loss
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
M. Griffin, MBChB, MRes, MSc, MRCS, M. A. Akhavani, FRCS(Plast), N. Muirhead, MBChB, MRCS, A. N. M. Fleming, FRCS(Ed), FCS(SA)Plast, and M. Soldin, MBChB, FCS(SA)Plast.Surg, FRCS(Plast)
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCM....
Risk of Thromboembolism Following Body-Contouring Surgery After Massive Weight Loss M. Griffin, MBChB, MRes, MSc, MRCS, M. A. Akhavani, FRCS(Plast), N. Muirhead, MBChB, MRCS, A. N. M. Fleming, FRCS(Ed), FCS(SA)Plast, and M. Soldin,...
Risk of Thromboembolism Following Body-Contouring Surgery After Massive Weight Loss M. Griffin, MBChB, MRes, MSc, MRCS, M. A. Akhavani, FRCS(Plast), N. Muirhead, MBChB, MRCS, A. N. M. Fleming, FRCS(Ed), FCS(SA)Plast, and M. Soldin,...
Risk of Thromboembolism...