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thumb amputation

Traumatic Thumb Amputation: Case and Review
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Ryan Engdahl, MD, and Norman Morrison, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCRy...
Traumatic Thumb Amputation: Case and Review Ryan Engdahl, MD,a and Norman Morrison, MDb aDivision of Plastic Surgery, New York Presbyterian Hospital, The University Hospital of Cornell and Columbia, New York; and bDivision of...
Traumatic Thumb Amputation: Case and Review Ryan Engdahl, MD,a and Norman Morrison, MDb aDivision of Plastic Surgery, New York Presbyterian Hospital, The University Hospital of Cornell and Columbia, New York; and bDivision of...
Traumatic Thumb...
CASE REPORT Composite Grafting of a Distal Thumb Amputation: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Case Report
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
J. Choo, B. Sparks, M. Kasdan, and B. Wilhelmi
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCJ....
CASE REPORT Composite Grafting of a Distal Thumb Amputation: A Case Report and Review of Literature J. Choo,a B. Sparks,b M. Kasdan,c and B. Wilhelmia aDivision of Plastic Surgery, University of Louisville; bUniversity of Louisville...
CASE REPORT Composite Grafting of a Distal Thumb Amputation: A Case Report and Review of Literature J. Choo,a B. Sparks,b M. Kasdan,c and B. Wilhelmia aDivision of Plastic Surgery, University of Louisville; bUniversity of Louisville...
CASE REPORT Composite...