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skin grafting

Introduction: A leaking ostomy or fistula pouch is devastating to the patient and provider. In some situations, the soft tissue around the fistula or ostomy makes it impossible to apply a...
Reconstructing Defects of the Lower Lip: An Emphasis on the Estlander Flap
Reconstructing Defects of the Lower Lip: An Emphasis on the Estlander Flap Demetrius M. Coombs, BS,a Debra A. Bourne, MD,b Francesco M. Egro, MBChB, MSc, MRCS,b and Mario G. Solari, MDb aDrexel University College of Medicine,...
Reconstructing Defects of the Lower Lip: An Emphasis on the Estlander Flap Demetrius M. Coombs, BS,a Debra A. Bourne, MD,b Francesco M. Egro, MBChB, MSc, MRCS,b and Mario G. Solari, MDb aDrexel University College of Medicine,...
Reconstructing Defects of...
Dissecting Cellulitis of the Scalp: Case Discussion, Unique Considerations, and Treatment Options Mairin A. Jerome, BA,a and Donald R. Laub, MDa,b aUniversity of Vermont College of Medicine and bFletcher Allen Health Care,...
Dissecting Cellulitis of the Scalp: Case Discussion, Unique Considerations, and Treatment Options Mairin A. Jerome, BA,a and Donald R. Laub, MDa,b aUniversity of Vermont College of Medicine and bFletcher Allen Health Care,...
Dissecting Cellulitis of...