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Indocyanine Green Laser Angiography in the Setting of Tumescence
Erica Y. Xue, MD, Jerette J. Schultz, MD, Paul J. Therattil, MD, Jonathan D. Keith, MD, and Mark S. Granick, MD
Erica Y. Xue, MD, Jerette J. Schultz,...
Two cases, a bilateral reduction mammoplasty and a nipple-sparing mastectomy with immediate tissue expander reconstruction, that both utilized ICG angiography after epinephrine-based tumescent solution was infiltration into the breast are...
Two cases, a bilateral reduction mammoplasty and a nipple-sparing mastectomy with immediate tissue expander reconstruction, that both utilized ICG angiography after epinephrine-based tumescent solution was infiltration into the breast are...
Two cases, a bilateral reduction...
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Brett T. Phillips, MD, MBA, Mitchell S. Fourman, MD, MPhil, Andrew Rivara, BS, Alexander B. Dagum, MD, Tara L. Huston, MD, Jason C. Ganz, MD, Duc T. Bui, MD, and Sami U. Khan, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCBr...
Comparing Quantitative Values of Two Generations of Laser-Assisted Indocyanine Green Dye Angiography Systems: Can We Predict Necrosis? Brett T. Phillips, MD, MBA,a Mitchell S. Fourman, MD, MPhil,b Andrew Rivara, BS,c Alexander B. Dagum,...
Comparing Quantitative Values of Two Generations of Laser-Assisted Indocyanine Green Dye Angiography Systems: Can We Predict Necrosis? Brett T. Phillips, MD, MBA,a Mitchell S. Fourman, MD, MPhil,b Andrew Rivara, BS,c Alexander B. Dagum,...
Comparing Quantitative Values...