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cavernous hemangioma

An Interesting Case of a Retrobulbar Cavernous Hemangioma
An Interesting Case of a Retrobulbar Cavernous Hemangioma Matthew A. Applebaum, MS, MBA,a Timothy E. Lee, MS,a Connor Barnes, MD,b Joshua B. Elston, MD,b and David J. Smith, MDb aUniversity of South Florida Morsani College of...
An Interesting Case of a Retrobulbar Cavernous Hemangioma Matthew A. Applebaum, MS, MBA,a Timothy E. Lee, MS,a Connor Barnes, MD,b Joshua B. Elston, MD,b and David J. Smith, MDb aUniversity of South Florida Morsani College of...
An Interesting Case of a...
CASE REPORT Intraosseous Cavernous Hemangioma: A Rare Presentation in Maxilla
CASE REPORT Intraosseous Cavernous Hemangioma: A Rare Presentation in Maxilla Burak Kaya, MD,a Servet Elçin Işılgan, MD,a Cem Çerkez, MD,b Volkan Otrakçı, MD,c and Savaş Serel, MDa aDepartment of...
CASE REPORT Intraosseous Cavernous Hemangioma: A Rare Presentation in Maxilla Burak Kaya, MD,a Servet Elçin Işılgan, MD,a Cem Çerkez, MD,b Volkan Otrakçı, MD,c and Savaş Serel, MDa aDepartment of...
CASE REPORT Intraosseous...