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foreign-body reaction

Comparative Host Response of 2 Human Acellular Dermal Matrices in a Primate Implant Model
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Maryellen Sandor, PhD, Devinder Singh, MD, Ronald P. Silverman, MD, Hui Xu, MD, PhD, and Patrick G. De Deyne, MPT, PhD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCMa...
Comparative Host Response of 2 Human Acellular Dermal Matrices in a Primate Implant Model Maryellen Sandor, PhD,a Devinder Singh, MD,b Ronald P. Silverman, MD,b Hui Xu, MD, PhD,a and Patrick G. De Deyne, MPT, PhDa aLifeCell...
Comparative Host Response of 2 Human Acellular Dermal Matrices in a Primate Implant Model Maryellen Sandor, PhD,a Devinder Singh, MD,b Ronald P. Silverman, MD,b Hui Xu, MD, PhD,a and Patrick G. De Deyne, MPT, PhDa aLifeCell...
Comparative Host Response of...