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tissue expansion

Considerations for Tissue Expansion in the Management of Massive Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans of the Head and Neck
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Austin M. Badeau, BA, Mark Granick, MD, and Frederic W.-B. Deleyiannis, MD, MPhil, MPH
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCAu...
Considerations for Tissue Expansion in the Management of Massive Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans of the Head and Neck Austin M. Badeau, BA,a Mark Granick, MD,b and Frederic W.-B. Deleyiannis, MD, MPhil, MPHc aUniversity of...
Considerations for Tissue Expansion in the Management of Massive Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans of the Head and Neck Austin M. Badeau, BA,a Mark Granick, MD,b and Frederic W.-B. Deleyiannis, MD, MPhil, MPHc aUniversity of...
Considerations for Tissue...