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A pilot study found evidence of Bartonella infection in the blood of participants with schizophrenia, fueling researchers’ hypothesis that there may be a connection between bacterial infection and neuropsychiatric disease.
A pilot study found evidence of Bartonella infection in the blood of participants with schizophrenia, fueling researchers’ hypothesis that there may be a connection between bacterial infection and neuropsychiatric disease.
A pilot study found evidence of...
Psych Congress Network
Early Onset, Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia Linked to Rare Gene Mutation
In this video, Dr. Todd Lencz discusses how his study that identified a rare gene mutation that could result in schizophrenia can apply to future treatment and studies and one day help to develop a prognostic biomarker.
In this video, Dr. Todd Lencz discusses how his study that identified a rare gene mutation that could result in schizophrenia can apply to future treatment and studies and one day help to develop a prognostic biomarker.
In this video, Dr. Todd Lencz...
Psych Congress Network
Higher brain glutamate levels appear to be a biomarker of illness severity in patients with schizophrenia, according to a participant-level mega-analysis of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy data.
Higher brain glutamate levels appear to be a biomarker of illness severity in patients with schizophrenia, according to a participant-level mega-analysis of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy data.
Higher brain glutamate levels...
Psych Congress Network
    Recently published research found that which of these
    Recently published research found that which of these
Psych Congress Network
More than a quarter of US adults with schizophrenia received a diagnosis of dementia before 66 years of age, according to a study published online ahead of print in JAMA Psychiatry. 
More than a quarter of US adults with schizophrenia received a diagnosis of dementia before 66 years of age, according to a study published online ahead of print in JAMA Psychiatry. 
More than a quarter of US adults...
Psych Congress Network
Caregivers of patients with schizophrenia, an often overlooked target for education, feel they act as a mediator between the patient and their medical team and are responsible for the patient's therapeutic adherence, according to survey...
Caregivers of patients with schizophrenia, an often overlooked target for education, feel they act as a mediator between the patient and their medical team and are responsible for the patient's therapeutic adherence, according to survey...
Caregivers of patients with...
Psych Congress Network
Education on schizophrenia management should focus on the benefits of newer therapies, strategies to ease the patient transition from oral treatments, and ways to decrease key barriers, survey respondents said.
Education on schizophrenia management should focus on the benefits of newer therapies, strategies to ease the patient transition from oral treatments, and ways to decrease key barriers, survey respondents said.
Education on schizophrenia...
Psych Congress Network
Schizophrenia Spectrum Diagnosis Associated With Increased Risk of Death From COVID-19
In this Q&A, Katlyn Nemani, MD, of the New York University School of Medicine, discusses her study which found a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis was associated with increased mortality risk in patients with COVID-19.
In this Q&A, Katlyn Nemani, MD, of the New York University School of Medicine, discusses her study which found a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis was associated with increased mortality risk in patients with COVID-19.
In this Q&A, Katlyn Nemani, MD,...
Psych Congress Network
Psych Congress Steering Committee member Edward Kaftarian, MD, discusses whether telepsychiatry is appropriate for patients with psychosis.
Psych Congress Steering Committee member Edward Kaftarian, MD, discusses whether telepsychiatry is appropriate for patients with psychosis.
Psych Congress Steering...
Psych Congress Network