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Abstract Body: Candida auris (C. auris) is a recently emerged, multidrug-resistant, highly invasive, and hospital-acquired fungal pathogen. With a high incidence of severe infection and d...
Abstract Body: Biofilms can form on surfaces, such as medical devices and wounds, leading to infection, inflammation and delayed wound healing. Unlike their planktonic counterparts, biofi...
Abstract Body: Although biofilms can be formed by a single species, they are generally multispecies and can comprise of aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, fungi and yeasts. Biofilms ar...
Successful take of skin grafts requires a well vascularized wound bed, and remain challenging when performed over poorly vascularized structures, such as exposed bones and tendons. The ad...
Abstract Body: Venous leg ulcerations (VLUs) frequently represent a significant clinical challenge. Dehydrated human amnion and chorion allografts have shown great promise in the treatmen...
INTRODUCTION: Processed microvascular tissue (PMVT*), comprised of a minimally manipulated vascular bed, enhances angiogenesis and wound healing preclinically, and in clinical case series...
This pilot study tested a novel, low-cost-of-manufacture, non-electrical device that uses solid-state oxygen management technology (OxMT) to create and sustain a vacuum in an iNPWT dressi...
Abstract Body: Introduction: Wound area and healing progression is measured by multiplying the greatest length and width across the diameter regardless of wound shape. This ruler-based me...