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animal study

Original Research
Mehmet Esat Duymus, MD
Hulya Ayik Aydin, MD
Abdullah Bulgurcu, MD
Zeynep Bayramoglu, MD
Abdullah Durhan, MD
Salih Tuncal, MD
Mevlut Recep Pekcici, MD
Kemal Kismet, MD
Red ginseng and wound healing
Red ginseng and wound healing
Red ginseng and wound healing
Wound Management & Prevention
A laboratory study using a porcine model to evaluate an enzymatic hydrogel solution in the treatment of third-degree burn wounds shows promise in reducing bacterial loads.
A laboratory study using a porcine model to evaluate an enzymatic hydrogel solution in the treatment of third-degree burn wounds shows promise in reducing bacterial loads.
A laboratory study using a...
Wound Care
The Effect of Plantago major on Wound Healing in Preclinical Studies:  A Systematic Review
Empirical Studies

Fernada Cássia Israel Cardososo; Jéssica Cunha Breder; Priscila Peruzzo Apolinário; Henrique Ceretta Oliveia; Maria Giovana Borges Saidel; Ariane Polidoro Dini; Ana Railka Oliveira Kumakura; and Maria Helena Lima

Fernada Cássia Israel Cardososo; Jéss...
The authors investigated the effectiveness of the topical use of Planting major in healing skin wounds in animal models.
The authors investigated the effectiveness of the topical use of Planting major in healing skin wounds in animal models.
The authors investigated the...
Wound Management & Prevention
Introduction: Fatty acids play an essential role in the mediation of inflammation. Recently, their mechanisms have been described as being associated with the activation of GPR-coupl...