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foot ulceration

Global Clinical Practice
Vacide Aşık Özdemir
Nesrin Nural
Authors sought to raise awareness about the risk of foot ulceration among patients with chronic kidney disease by comparing rates of lower limb ulcerations among those patients with and without diabetes mellitus and those who did or did not...
Authors sought to raise awareness about the risk of foot ulceration among patients with chronic kidney disease by comparing rates of lower limb ulcerations among those patients with and without diabetes mellitus and those who did or did not...
Authors sought to raise...
The Custom Total Contact Cast to Offload Foot Ulcers in the Presence of Biomechanical Deformities: A Case Report
Case Report
Mohammad Junayed Khan, DPM
Anna Stoupine, DPM
Kamal Farha, DPM
Ji Hee Kim, DPM
Poovasit Klinoubol, DPM
The modified total contact cast was designed to accommodate frontal plane biomechanical deformities while providing padding to decrease friction over bony prominences. This technique was successfully used to help heal foot ulcers in a patient...
The modified total contact cast was designed to accommodate frontal plane biomechanical deformities while providing padding to decrease friction over bony prominences. This technique was successfully used to help heal foot ulcers in a patient...
The modified total contact cast...
Wound Management & Prevention
Background: Over the past 3 decades, advances in transplant surgery has allowed life-saving renewal of solid organ function. Many of these patients are predisposed to the development of l...