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Denaturing the Lionfish
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Dorian Hobday, MA, Priyanka Chadha, MBBS, BSc, MRCS, DPMSA, MSc, Asmat H. Din, MRCS and Jenny Geh, FRCS
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCDo...
Denaturing the Lionfish Dorian Hobday, MA,a Priyanka Chadha, MBBS, BSc, MRCS, DPMSA, MSc,b Asmat H. Din, MRCSb and Jenny Geh, FRCSb aDepartment of Medicine, Kings College London; and bDepartment of Plastic Surgery, SHO, Guys...
Denaturing the Lionfish Dorian Hobday, MA,a Priyanka Chadha, MBBS, BSc, MRCS, DPMSA, MSc,b Asmat H. Din, MRCSb and Jenny Geh, FRCSb aDepartment of Medicine, Kings College London; and bDepartment of Plastic Surgery, SHO, Guys...
Denaturing the...
Introduction: Removal of medical adhesive dressings, such as ostomy wafers, may result in skin stripping at the wound and peri-wound areas. Medical adhesive removers weaken the dressing’s...
Background: Patients who present with refractory venous ulcers require compression to treat the underlying pathology. Many patients cannot tolerate a multilayer compression system (M...
Literature Review
Tae Nagama, MD, Natsuko Kakudo, MD, PhD, Michika Fukui, MD, Takashi Yamauchi, MD, Toshihito Mitsui, MD, and Kenji Kusumoto, MD, PhD
Tae Nagama, MD, Natsuko Kakudo, MD, P...
Heterotopic Endometriosis in the Inguinal Region: A Case Report and Literature Review Tae Nagama, MD, Natsuko Kakudo, MD, PhD, Michika Fukui, MD, Takashi Yamauchi, MD, Toshihito Mitsui, MD, and Kenji Kusumoto, MD,...
Heterotopic Endometriosis in the Inguinal Region: A Case Report and Literature Review Tae Nagama, MD, Natsuko Kakudo, MD, PhD, Michika Fukui, MD, Takashi Yamauchi, MD, Toshihito Mitsui, MD, and Kenji Kusumoto, MD,...
Heterotopic Endometriosis...
Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Matthew R. Zeiderman, MD, Shahrooz Sean Kelishadi, MD, John Paul Tutela, MD, Arun Rao, MD, Saeed Chowdhry, MD, Ronald M. Brooks, MD, and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCMa...
Vapocoolant Anesthesia for Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Injections: A Randomized, Prospective, Split-Face Trial Matthew R. Zeiderman, MD,a Shahrooz Sean Kelishadi, MD,a,b John Paul Tutela, MD,a Arun Rao, MD,a Saeed Chowdhry, MD,a...
Vapocoolant Anesthesia for Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Injections: A Randomized, Prospective, Split-Face Trial Matthew R. Zeiderman, MD,a Shahrooz Sean Kelishadi, MD,a,b John Paul Tutela, MD,a Arun Rao, MD,a Saeed Chowdhry, MD,a...
Vapocoolant Anesthesia for...
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Hiroaki Kuwahara, MD, and Rei Ogawa, MDPhD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCHi...
Using a Vibration Device to Ease Pain During Facial Needling and Injection Hiroaki Kuwahara, MD,a,b and Rei Ogawa, MDPhDb aDepartment of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Aidu-Chuo Hospital, Fukushima, Japan; and bDepartment...
Using a Vibration Device to Ease Pain During Facial Needling and Injection Hiroaki Kuwahara, MD,a,b and Rei Ogawa, MDPhDb aDepartment of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Aidu-Chuo Hospital, Fukushima, Japan; and bDepartment...
Using a Vibration Device...
Original Research
Kevin N. Foster
K.J. Richey
J.S. Champagne
M.R. Matthews
Hypochlorous acid shows promise as a topical wound dressing and further study with larger groups is warranted.
Hypochlorous acid shows promise as a topical wound dressing and further study with larger groups is warranted.
Hypochlorous acid shows promise...
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Nathaniel L. Holzman, MD, Mansher Singh, MD, Stephanie A. Caterson, MD, Elof Eriksson, MD, PhD, and Bohdan Pomahac, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCNa...
Use of Tumescence for Outpatient Abdominoplasty and Other Concurrent Body Contouring Procedures: A Review of 65 Consecutive Patients Nathaniel L. Holzman, MD,a Mansher Singh, MD,b Stephanie A. Caterson, MD,b Elof Eriksson, MD,...
Use of Tumescence for Outpatient Abdominoplasty and Other Concurrent Body Contouring Procedures: A Review of 65 Consecutive Patients Nathaniel L. Holzman, MD,a Mansher Singh, MD,b Stephanie A. Caterson, MD,b Elof Eriksson, MD,...
Use of Tumescence for...