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acrylic drape

Case Report
Austin Rollins
Kristie Ho
Luis G. Fernandez
Marisse A. Lardizabal
Bryan Roth
Sean F. O’Keefe
Marc R. Matthews
In this case report, which follows a 22-year-old female patient presenting with a full-thickness burn to the top of the foot, authors examine the utilization of the “sandwich technique” to seal a negative pressure wound therapy dressing...
In this case report, which follows a 22-year-old female patient presenting with a full-thickness burn to the top of the foot, authors examine the utilization of the “sandwich technique” to seal a negative pressure wound therapy dressing...
In this case report, which...
Introduction: In patients treated with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), pain related to the removal of the acrylic drape and periwound skin irritation are known issues. As an alter...