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Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

Case Report and Brief Review
Sanda Smuđ-Orehovec
Marko Mance
Damir Halužan
Vilena Vrbanović-Mijatović
Davor Mijatović
The case of a 43-year-old woman with diabetes who was admitted to the University Hospital Rebro (Zagreb, Croatia) due to an infected, nonhealing wound on her left foot. Skin grafts combined with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) before...
The case of a 43-year-old woman with diabetes who was admitted to the University Hospital Rebro (Zagreb, Croatia) due to an infected, nonhealing wound on her left foot. Skin grafts combined with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) before...
The case of a 43-year-old woman...
Case Series
BACKGROUND: Previous studies have provided data supporting the use of closed incision negative pressure therapy (ciNPT) for management of closed incisions in patients with a high risk of developing complications; ciNPT has been shown to...
BACKGROUND: Previous studies have provided data supporting the use of closed incision negative pressure therapy (ciNPT) for management of closed incisions in patients with a high risk of developing complications; ciNPT has been shown to...
BACKGROUND: Previous studies...
Case Series
BACKGROUND: Despite advances in perioperative care, operative technique, and understanding of risk factors, wound dehiscence remains a national health care quality concern such that it is one of the publicly reported outcome measures for the...
BACKGROUND: Despite advances in perioperative care, operative technique, and understanding of risk factors, wound dehiscence remains a national health care quality concern such that it is one of the publicly reported outcome measures for the...
BACKGROUND: Despite advances in...
Case Series
BACKGROUND: Patient nonadherence to wound care protocols may impact the efficacy of modalities such as negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). Recently, a remote therapy monitoring (RTM) system has been devised for use with NPWT for patients...
BACKGROUND: Patient nonadherence to wound care protocols may impact the efficacy of modalities such as negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). Recently, a remote therapy monitoring (RTM) system has been devised for use with NPWT for patients...
BACKGROUND: Patient nonadherence...
Wounds Editorial Staff
Case Series
Travis L. Perry
Lindsay M. Kranker
Erin E. Mobley
Eileen E. Curry
R. Michael Johnson
The purpose of this case series is to report the outcomes of FG using a surrogate approach of concurrent debridement of spared skin and soft tissue, negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), and serial delayed primary closure (DPC).
The purpose of this case series is to report the outcomes of FG using a surrogate approach of concurrent debridement of spared skin and soft tissue, negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), and serial delayed primary closure (DPC).
The purpose of this case series...
Rapid Communication
Leah Griffin
Laura M. Leyva Casillas
This retrospective study of 510 patients receiving negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) in a home care setting examines the relationship between remote therapy monitoring (RTM) and patient adherence, as well as determines the impact of...
This retrospective study of 510 patients receiving negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) in a home care setting examines the relationship between remote therapy monitoring (RTM) and patient adherence, as well as determines the impact of...
This retrospective study of 510...
Case Series