Introduction: Post-operative surgical site complications (SSCs) represent a significant burden to healthcare systems globally and pose many challenges for patients undergoing Cardiovascul...
Introduction: Two well understood and documented components of wound bed preparation (WBP) include removal of devitalized tissue and management of surface bioburden. A new absorbent fiber...
Introduction: Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) represent a significant human and economic burden to the healthcare system. Bacterial infections amplify the cost-to-treat, and thus proactive in...
Introduction: Patients with lymphedema are at increased risk for the development of wounds due to the increased diffusion difference between their skin and circulatory system. These compl...
Introduction: This is a 66 yr old female who is a noncompliant diabetic and smoker with PAOD, PVD, HTN, and history of MI x 2 with PTCA and stent placements. This patient presented to th...
Introduction: Calciphylaxis, also known as calcific uremic arteriolopathy, is a rare disease most often found in patients with end-stage renal disease. Cutaneous arteriolar calcification ...
Venous leg ulcers (VLUs) present a significant clinical challenge due to their delayed healing and high recurrence rates with only 60% closing by 12 weeks, and 75% reappear...
Introduction: Healing tunneling wounds is particularly challenging due to their complex structure and the difficulty in accessing the entire wound area for treatment. Tunneling wounds, wh...
Introduction: Fish skin graft (FSG) is a xenograft derived from Atlantic cod that augments wound healing1. This case evaluates FSG* in a patient with non healing diabetic foot ulcers (DF...
Introduction: The BIOMES framework (Blood Flow, Infection Control, Off-Loading, control of Metabolic/co-morbidities, management of Exudate/moisture/bioburden, and understanding of the pat...