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Salwa Beheiry, RN, CCRN

While electrophysiologists and clinical staff deal with the critical physiological aspects of electrophysiological (EP) procedures, the EP laboratory’s administrators must handle critical concerns of a different sort: business issues that...
While electrophysiologists and clinical staff deal with the critical physiological aspects of electrophysiological (EP) procedures, the EP laboratory’s administrators must handle critical concerns of a different sort: business issues that...
While electrophysiologists and...
EP Lab Digest
Feature Story
People with AF have a 2-5% yearly chance of having a stroke than those who do not have AF. This percentage increases with age, to about 10% in those who are 65 or above.
People with AF have a 2-5% yearly chance of having a stroke than those who do not have AF. This percentage increases with age, to about 10% in those who are 65 or above.
People with AF have a 2-5%...
EP Lab Digest
With the economic downturn and ever-increasing costs for delivering quality health care, can EP services survive and be economically viable? The answer is a qualified "YES"! However, doing so means careful attention to many details and quite...
With the economic downturn and ever-increasing costs for delivering quality health care, can EP services survive and be economically viable? The answer is a qualified "YES"! However, doing so means careful attention to many details and quite...
With the economic downturn and...
EP Lab Digest