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Original Research
This study investigated patient-reported mental health outcomes after traumatic digital amputation.
This study investigated patient-reported mental health outcomes after traumatic digital amputation.
This study investigated...
Original Contribution
We sought to determine whether anxiety and CRP levels in patients undergoing elective left heart catheterization differ when routine sedation with midazolam is administered.
We sought to determine whether anxiety and CRP levels in patients undergoing elective left heart catheterization differ when routine sedation with midazolam is administered.
We sought to determine whether...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Music in the Wound Care Center:  Effects on Anxiety Levels and Blood Pressure Measurements in Patients Receiving  Standard Care
Empirical Studies
This study sought to examine the effect of music during treatment on post–wound care treatment anxiety levels and blood pressure measurements in patients with chronic wounds.
This study sought to examine the effect of music during treatment on post–wound care treatment anxiety levels and blood pressure measurements in patients with chronic wounds.
This study sought to examine the...
Wound Management & Prevention
Abstract Body: Chronic wounds can lead to depression (27%), anxiety (26%), and loss of function and mobility.1,2,3 Negative impact of emotional/mental stress on wound healing has been wel...