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Nicholas Romansky, DPM, FACFAS

Given the popularity of football at levels ranging from pee wee leagues to the NFL, many athletic patients will present to podiatry practices with heel pain.
Given the popularity of football at levels ranging from pee wee leagues to the NFL, many athletic patients will present to podiatry practices with heel pain.
Given the popularity of football...
Podiatry Today
Shin splints are common among runners and individuals who participate in soccer, football, field hockey, lacrosse, etc. This overuse injury usually develops gradually over a period of weeks to months but may occur after a single, excessive...
Shin splints are common among runners and individuals who participate in soccer, football, field hockey, lacrosse, etc. This overuse injury usually develops gradually over a period of weeks to months but may occur after a single, excessive...
Shin splints are common among...
Podiatry Today
Assessing And Managing The Dysfunctional Midtarsal Joint
Online Exclusive
Emphasizing fundamental biomechanical principles, these authors discuss comprehensive evaluation and management of midtarsal joint pathology, including salient anatomical insights, key orthotic considerations and practical treatment...
Emphasizing fundamental biomechanical principles, these authors discuss comprehensive evaluation and management of midtarsal joint pathology, including salient anatomical insights, key orthotic considerations and practical treatment...
Emphasizing fundamental...
Podiatry Today
These authors offer diagnostic tips and treatment pearls for lower-extremity tendon injuries, with a specific focus on managing chronic tenosynovitis. Tendon pathology in the foot and ankle are the most common of all injuries. Obviously,...
These authors offer diagnostic tips and treatment pearls for lower-extremity tendon injuries, with a specific focus on managing chronic tenosynovitis. Tendon pathology in the foot and ankle are the most common of all injuries. Obviously,...
These authors offer diagnostic...
Podiatry Today
Orthotics Q&A
There is no shortage of issues to consider when you are prescribing custom orthotics for different types of patients, whether it’s knowing what to look for during the biomechanical exam or understanding the keys to proper casting. With these...
There is no shortage of issues to consider when you are prescribing custom orthotics for different types of patients, whether it’s knowing what to look for during the biomechanical exam or understanding the keys to proper casting. With these...
There is no shortage of issues...
Podiatry Today