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wound closure

Case Report
Jad F. Zeitouni
Reagan Collins
Patricia Arledge
Yana Puckett
Catherine A. Ronaghan
The authors of this case report achieved successful closure of a large posterior calf wound after 2-cm–wide local excision of the melanoma biopsy site in a 61-year-old male.
The authors of this case report achieved successful closure of a large posterior calf wound after 2-cm–wide local excision of the melanoma biopsy site in a 61-year-old male.
The authors of this case report...
Case Report
The authors detail a case in which elastic therapeutic tape was successfully used to close a surgical wound that had failed to heal almost 3 months after surgery.
The authors detail a case in which elastic therapeutic tape was successfully used to close a surgical wound that had failed to heal almost 3 months after surgery.
The authors detail a case in...
Ensuring wound closure and minimizing fibrosis can be challenging after surgical procedures such as abdominal wall reconstruction with panniculectomy after weight loss. This is true, espe...
The aims are twofold: to compare cellular viability between cryopreserved and lyopreserved constructs; and evaluate clinical outcomes of the lyopreserved amniotic membrane (LAM).
Introduction: Chronic wounds are often unresponsive to initial therapy and can persist despite appropriate wound care (1).  Regenerative matrices that include hyaluronic acid have gained...
Abstract Body: Introduction:  Collagen is an essential component of the ECM and required for wound healing (1) Collagen-ECM has been used successfully to prepare the wound bed for a derma...
Ensuring wound closure and minimizing fibrosis can be challenging after surgical procedures such as abdominal wall reconstruction with panniculectomy after weight loss. This is true, espe...