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Pressure Ulcer

The Custom Total Contact Cast to Offload Foot Ulcers in the Presence of Biomechanical Deformities: A Case Report
Case Report
Mohammad Junayed Khan, DPM
Anna Stoupine, DPM
Kamal Farha, DPM
Ji Hee Kim, DPM
Poovasit Klinoubol, DPM
The modified total contact cast was designed to accommodate frontal plane biomechanical deformities while providing padding to decrease friction over bony prominences. This technique was successfully used to help heal foot ulcers in a patient...
The modified total contact cast was designed to accommodate frontal plane biomechanical deformities while providing padding to decrease friction over bony prominences. This technique was successfully used to help heal foot ulcers in a patient...
The modified total contact cast...
Wound Management & Prevention
Development and Testing of the Psychometric Properties of the Attitude Towards Medical Device-related Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Questionnaire
Empirical Studies
Zhila Fereidouni, PhD
Mohammad Behnammoghadam, MSc
Farnoosh Rashvand, PhD
Hossein Rafiei, MSc
In this sample of nursing students, the Attitude Towards Medical-device Related Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Questionnaire was valid and reliable. Studies including licensed clinicians are needed to confirm these results. 
In this sample of nursing students, the Attitude Towards Medical-device Related Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Questionnaire was valid and reliable. Studies including licensed clinicians are needed to confirm these results. 
In this sample of nursing...
Wound Management & Prevention
Flap reconstruction of pressure ulcers offers an important clinical means of decreasing morbidity in hospitalized patients. Current complication rates following pressure ulcer reconstruct...
Flap reconstruction of pressure ulcers offers an important clinical means of decreasing morbidity in hospitalized patients. Current complication rates following pressure ulcer reconstruct...
Effect of Soft Silicone Foam Dressings on Intraoperatively Acquired Pressure Injuries: A Randomized Study in Patients Undergoing Spinal Surgery
Empirical Research
Tae-yeong Yang, RN, BSN
Sung Hee Shin, RN, PhD
The results of this study show that many stage 1 intraoperatively acquired pressure injuries (IAPIs) do resolve over time and that use of soft silicone foam dressings during spinal surgery can significantly reduce IAPI rates.
The results of this study show that many stage 1 intraoperatively acquired pressure injuries (IAPIs) do resolve over time and that use of soft silicone foam dressings during spinal surgery can significantly reduce IAPI rates.
The results of this study show...
Wound Management & Prevention