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Mary P. Orencole, RN, MS, ANP, ANP-BC

Tell us about the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) CRT clinic and its background. Why was it important to integrate multidisciplinary care for your CRT patients?Orencole: The MGH Multidisciplinary CRT clinic was established in 2005 to...
Tell us about the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) CRT clinic and its background. Why was it important to integrate multidisciplinary care for your CRT patients?Orencole: The MGH Multidisciplinary CRT clinic was established in 2005 to...
Tell us about the Massachusetts...
EP Lab Digest
Introduction The high prevalence of heart failure (HF) and the increasing patient population eligible for device therapy has created a new genre of ambulatory HF patients with implanted devices. The complex nature of these patients often...
Introduction The high prevalence of heart failure (HF) and the increasing patient population eligible for device therapy has created a new genre of ambulatory HF patients with implanted devices. The complex nature of these patients often...
Introduction The high...
EP Lab Digest
Clinical Insights
According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 14 million Americans with a history of cancer were alive in 2012. Survival from cancer has improved significantly over the last several decades due in large part to advances in...
According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 14 million Americans with a history of cancer were alive in 2012. Survival from cancer has improved significantly over the last several decades due in large part to advances in...
According to the National Cancer...
IO Learning
With improved survival from cancer, many patients will face increased risks of chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-associated cardiovascular disease. Cardio-oncology is the discipline which focuses on the intersection of cancer and cardiovascular...
With improved survival from cancer, many patients will face increased risks of chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-associated cardiovascular disease. Cardio-oncology is the discipline which focuses on the intersection of cancer and cardiovascular...
With improved survival from...
EP Lab Digest
Feature Story
There is an urgent need for novel strategies to optimize outpatient management of patients with heart failure and prevent recurrent hospitalizations.
There is an urgent need for novel strategies to optimize outpatient management of patients with heart failure and prevent recurrent hospitalizations.
There is an urgent need for...
EP Lab Digest