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Mitchell W. Krucoff, MD

Clinical Editor's Corner
Our colleague and cath lab expert, Dr. Barry Uretsky from the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, started this conversation with one of the oldest and probably most important questions about coronary angiography, and that is, how should we...
Our colleague and cath lab expert, Dr. Barry Uretsky from the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, started this conversation with one of the oldest and probably most important questions about coronary angiography, and that is, how should we...
Our colleague and cath lab...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
My daughter, at age 6, said to me many years ago when I was struggling with some vexing problem, “Dad, it’s not rocket surgery”. She meant to say rocket science, but we talked a lot of medicine then. Okay, I agree that securing the radial...
My daughter, at age 6, said to me many years ago when I was struggling with some vexing problem, “Dad, it’s not rocket surgery”. She meant to say rocket science, but we talked a lot of medicine then. Okay, I agree that securing the radial...
My daughter, at age 6, said to...
Cath Lab Digest