Background: Circulating polymorphonuclear leucocytes are recruited in the wound by soluble mediators, causing cell adherence, transcapillary migration and chemotaxis. In a later stag...
Background. Venous, arterial or posttraumatic leg ulcers lack dermis that is replaced by granulation tissue. The area of non-healing ulcers ranges between 3 and 15 cm. The question arises...
Background: Arterial obstructing plaques develop in femoral and calf arteries. In diabetes multifocal changes and calcification of arteries add to the impairment of tissue blood perf...
Background: Lymphedema of limbs is caused by partial or total obstruction of lymphatic collectors. In advanced cases all main lymphatics are obstructed and tissue fluid accumul...
Background: Edema of tissues accompanies leg cellulitis, ulcers, venous and lymphatic stasis. Although it is a positive inherent component of inflammation, intercellular fluid excess...
Objectives: Lymphedema of limbs is caused by partial or total obstruction of lymphatic collectors as a consequence of skin and deep soft tissues inflammation, trauma of soft tissues and b...