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Background: Allogeneic grafts derived from amnion/chorion are known to be efficacious in healing chronic diabetic foot ulcerations (DFUs).  Aseptically processed grafts may have...
Background: Equinus contracture is a common affliction in patients with diabetic foot ulceration. Percutaneous tendo-Achilles lengthening (TAL) is a useful method to alleviate peak planta...
Background: One million diabetics in the US will develop diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs); 150,000 ulcers will become chronic. 5-24% of these patients will require amputation. Patients wh...
Introduction: Remote Ischemic Conditioning (RIC) activates the body's natural protective physiology against reperfusion injury and the tissue damage caused by low oxygen levels. More...
Aim: Non-healing DFUs lead to increased mortality and morbidity.(a) Our rigorous multinational RCT protocol was designed to explore the efficacy of a unique Cyclical Pressurized Topical O...
Nancy Collins, PhD, RDN, LD, NWCC, FAND
Nutrition often is not the first thing clinicians think about when treating patients with a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU), but it is a critical component of the wound healing process. Nutrition is connected to every facet of healing, including...
Nutrition often is not the first thing clinicians think about when treating patients with a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU), but it is a critical component of the wound healing process. Nutrition is connected to every facet of healing, including...
Nutrition often is not the first...
Today's Wound Clinic
Purpose: Randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs), the gold standard to determine treatment efficacy against control, have demonstrated advantages of skin substitutes for the treatmen...
Objective: We have previously shown a large gap in practice for diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) off-loading and venous leg ulcer (VLU) compression. We wished to determine the impact of quality ...
Study Objective: In a multicenter, blinded, randomized, controlled clinical trial (RCT), viable cryopreserved placental membrane (vCPM)* applications to chronic DFUs resulted in high...