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Evidence Based Medicine

The Development and Effectiveness of a Care Protocol Using the Stevens Star Model of Knowledge Transformation in Female Patients With Stress Incontinence: An Experimental Study
Empirical Studies
Care provided according to this stress incontinence care protocol reduced the quantity and frequency of stress incontinence and improved pelvic muscle exercise self-efficacy and quality of life.
Care provided according to this stress incontinence care protocol reduced the quantity and frequency of stress incontinence and improved pelvic muscle exercise self-efficacy and quality of life.
Care provided according to this...
Wound Management & Prevention
Let's Be Frank
Clinicians today may be quicker to look to the Internet for wound healing advice than they are to conduct clinical research. Boundaries must be set here.
Clinicians today may be quicker to look to the Internet for wound healing advice than they are to conduct clinical research. Boundaries must be set here.
Clinicians today may be quicker...
Today's Wound Clinic