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Naomi DeVries, BS

The standard of care for treatment of venous leg ulcers (VLUs) calls for advanced wound care dressings to manage the exudate and compression to manage the edema.1 In the use of compressio...
Foam dressings are frequently designed to have maximum fluid handling capacity, scientifically measured as bulk absorption or free swell absorptive capacity. To do so, the dressing is sub...
Background: Production of wound exudate is a necessary part of wound healing but can lead to maceration of the periwound if not properly managed. An ideal dressing should create...
Background: There are many causes of periwound damage including one of the most common, maceration. The periwound skin becomes vulnerable to maceration when the volume of draina...
Background: Precise regulation of wound matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) promotes optimal wound healing. For chronic wounds, the balance of MMPs is often disrupted, which may stall t...