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F. Randy Vogenberg, PhD, FASHP

This pilot study provides a brief literature review on users, uses, and a recent electronic survey to de­termine how users use clinical pathways along with their feedback around their value.
This pilot study provides a brief literature review on users, uses, and a recent electronic survey to de­termine how users use clinical pathways along with their feedback around their value.
This pilot study provides a...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Transformative Employer Trends
This column discusses how new and increasingly expensive therapies in the health care industry marketplace continues to cause providers, patients, and payers financial burden and how new strategies are needed to effectively manage them.
This column discusses how new and increasingly expensive therapies in the health care industry marketplace continues to cause providers, patients, and payers financial burden and how new strategies are needed to effectively manage them.
This column discusses how new...
Journal of Clinical Pathways