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Fat pad atrophy is the loss of adipose tissue and cushioning function. There is additional strain and pressure generated which leads to inflammation and micro-injury in the foot, causing ...
Problem: Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are a potentially devastating complication of diabetes. DFU oftentimes precedes amputation. DFU has been estimated to occur in upwards of 15 to 25% of ...
Problem:  Diabetic foot ulceration (DFU) is a complication of diabetes that can lead to infection and/or amputation. DFU occurs in roughly 15 to 25% of patients with diabetes1. Recurrence...
Purpose: In the absence of published data, the singular purpose of this project was to assess the effectiveness of pillows used for heel offloading, across a diverse patient and facility ...
The Custom Total Contact Cast to Offload Foot Ulcers in the Presence of Biomechanical Deformities: A Case Report
Case Report
The modified total contact cast was designed to accommodate frontal plane biomechanical deformities while providing padding to decrease friction over bony prominences. This technique was successfully used to help heal foot ulcers in a patient...
The modified total contact cast was designed to accommodate frontal plane biomechanical deformities while providing padding to decrease friction over bony prominences. This technique was successfully used to help heal foot ulcers in a patient...
The modified total contact cast...
Wound Management & Prevention
Pearls for Best Practice in Treating and Offloading DFUs
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Offloading is a large piece of the puzzle for treating diabetic foot ulcers, with non-removable devices providing the best pressure relief. These authors discuss effective offloading devices, addressing challenges with patient adherence to...
Offloading is a large piece of the puzzle for treating diabetic foot ulcers, with non-removable devices providing the best pressure relief. These authors discuss effective offloading devices, addressing challenges with patient adherence to...
Offloading is a large piece of...
Today's Wound Clinic
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Effective offloading of lower extremity ulcers can mitigate one of the direst consequences of diabetes. These authors take a look at the future of offloading using an innovative device. 
Effective offloading of lower extremity ulcers can mitigate one of the direst consequences of diabetes. These authors take a look at the future of offloading using an innovative device. 
Effective offloading of lower...
Today's Wound Clinic